Former Creative Director of a former number one Local Sports Channel
Apparel Design
Master One color Halftone Illustrator
Digital Illustration
Master of Anatomy and realistic Drawing using a pen and ink style
A Jedi master of creating Enticing Graphics and stimulating content that makes people engage and share."
Former Major Client
Jeric Concepcion was a former creative director /Video and Effects/ College Teacher whose career was focused on Production and 2D Design. His 20+ years experience in the multi media industry has lead him to a solid foundation in terms of dealing with clients and handling people of Talent.
As a former Instructor in Multi Media Arts, his teaching style has led to multiple success stories of his former students. His Main credibility for graphic design and SEO is his Top position on Google search Engine with the key words, ‘jeric concepcion art’, ‘halftone pacquiao t shirt’ , ‘gagamba tshirt’ and all his signature halftone art designs. He is a master of One color design and a master illustrator who specializes on Portraits using Sharpie, as he was featured in Esquire. His current niche is Sports related ink style illustration.
His specialty has always been Niche specific content which is a huge advantage when you are designing with SEO in mind.